Did you know you can reap all the same Target Credit Card benefits with out using a credit card? They offer a Target REDcard Debit card that links right to your bank account and acts just the same as your bank debit card. You save 5% on each purchase, and also get free shipping when using it on Target.com, without worrying about getting a bill later!
Additional Target Debit Card Features
Enjoy 5% off every shopping trip at Target and Target.com. Plus, you can enroll in Pharmacy Rewards. The Target Debit Card links right to your checking account for hassle-free shopping. You can even request up to $40 cash back when you're shopping in-store. Target Debit Card cannot be used on the mobile Target.com website.When you use your REDcard at Target.com, all your purchases ship for free. No minimum purchase. No membership fee. And that's on top of the 5% savings you already receive just for shopping with your REDcard.
Get Started in Additional Target Debit Card Features
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