Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chasen Research- Great Opportunity

I think I may have mentioned Market Research to you all before- you know, those annoying people with clip boards at the mall, focus groups, online bulletin boards, etc. I love them, you get to voice your opinion on products, shape future advertising, get to try new products before they come out, and best of all, GET PAID!!! In fact, this coming week I am going to be involved in a 2 week study and will get paid $300, all for logging onto my computer 2 times a day and answering questions! What could be better than that?
Well, I got an email today that one of the Market Research Databases I am on is looking for new panelists!
Here is what I received:

To all of you who have already participated or filled out a profile on our website, thank you! Please know we will be contacting you via email for online focus groups NATIONWIDE.
We would like to expand our Database!
Please forward this email to your friends and family or post on any of your social networking sites.
If you would like to be considered for focus groups, please go to:
Chasen Research
and fill out a profile.
Qualified participants in our market research studies receive cash or check honorariums of $65 or more for their time.

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Thanks so much for your comments! It reassures me I am not talking to myself :)